Deep cleansing breaths. Relax bit by bit from the toes up, repeating “my toes are relaxed, my -- are relaxed”. Once the top of my head relaxes, I sometimes fall asleep.
What, no worries about your parenting skills? Just wait till Molly hits her teens! For a while there, I was trying to learn to recite the alphabet backwards as a “counting sheep” exercise. It worked, to some degree, but that “..are relaxed” method sounds good and peaceful.
YokohamaMama over 11 years ago
Deep cleansing breaths. Relax bit by bit from the toes up, repeating “my toes are relaxed, my -- are relaxed”. Once the top of my head relaxes, I sometimes fall asleep.
Arianne over 11 years ago
What, no worries about your parenting skills? Just wait till Molly hits her teens! For a while there, I was trying to learn to recite the alphabet backwards as a “counting sheep” exercise. It worked, to some degree, but that “..are relaxed” method sounds good and peaceful.
nanakitteh over 11 years ago
I learned that if I remind myself that any thoughts at 2 am are bad, eventually I fall asleep.