Morning, Anniephans! “Perhaps it is prudent to regroup” = “Time to blow this joint!”Here’s the link to Annie 2003 .
Good morning Anniephans!!!
And off they go, with the rocking “Wooly Bully” blaring from their twelve-tube radio set.
Ah vacuum tubes, that brings back memories..\\//_
Time to make like the shepherd and get the flock out of there.
Ahh…Led Zeppelin. Wish I’d thought of that!! Yeah, it does look a little tail-heavy it the third panel.
davidf42 almost 13 years ago
Morning, Anniephans! “Perhaps it is prudent to regroup” = “Time to blow this joint!”Here’s the link to Annie 2003 .
APersonOfInterest almost 13 years ago
Good morning Anniephans!!!
Ray_C almost 13 years ago
And off they go, with the rocking “Wooly Bully” blaring from their twelve-tube radio set.
Dkram almost 13 years ago
Ah vacuum tubes, that brings back memories..\\//_
dvoyack almost 13 years ago
Time to make like the shepherd and get the flock out of there.
Ray_C almost 13 years ago
Ahh…Led Zeppelin. Wish I’d thought of that!! Yeah, it does look a little tail-heavy it the third panel.