It’s something of a tradition with this strip to be pro-Republican and against the Democratic Party. Harold Gray, who created the strip, used to have Warbucks rail at FDR and his policies. When Roosevelt was reelected in 1944 for his fourth term Gray killed Warbucks off, intending it to be permanent. But when FDR died in 1945 Warbucks “miraculously” came back to life. Rumour is that there was an earthquake in La Jolla California the night that the musical Annie premiered: that was Gray spinning over in his grave at the scene where Warbucks and FDR embrace.
Back to the plot: Did Annie join Warbucks on Vesuvia’s yacht or did Vesuvia join them somewhere. She sounds like she wants them (Oliver and herself) to be a couple.
davidf42 about 12 years ago
Morning, Anniephans.I think Jay was one of the few cartoonists who seemed to support GW Bush. Unless I’m reading it wrong.
Here’s the link to Annie 2003 .
APersonOfInterest about 12 years ago
Good morning David and all Anniephans.
bmckee about 12 years ago
It’s something of a tradition with this strip to be pro-Republican and against the Democratic Party. Harold Gray, who created the strip, used to have Warbucks rail at FDR and his policies. When Roosevelt was reelected in 1944 for his fourth term Gray killed Warbucks off, intending it to be permanent. But when FDR died in 1945 Warbucks “miraculously” came back to life. Rumour is that there was an earthquake in La Jolla California the night that the musical Annie premiered: that was Gray spinning over in his grave at the scene where Warbucks and FDR embrace.
WW2 Marine Veteran about 12 years ago
I wish to add a big AMEN to that statement!
marvee about 12 years ago
Back to the plot: Did Annie join Warbucks on Vesuvia’s yacht or did Vesuvia join them somewhere. She sounds like she wants them (Oliver and herself) to be a couple.