Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for February 10, 2012

  1. Missing large
    sillykit  about 13 years ago

    considering everything so far, this is pretty normal

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    Dwilesjr  about 13 years ago

    Rita’s going to get this working and its all going to spiral into chaos and its going to be a fun couple of days

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    rshive  about 13 years ago

    Actually, Rita meant a vacation without pay. Not with.

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  4. Zakour signing
    johnzakour Premium Member about 13 years ago

    On my Facebook page somebody asked why Rita hasn’t run for president yet… Well stay tuned… Or in this case stay tooned…

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    dcell59  about 13 years ago

    Happy palindrome day! 2102012

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  6. Cat8
    georgelanigan  about 13 years ago

    Rita should know better than to use that trick on Dana. If I’m not mistaken isn’t the Force supposed to work on the weak-minded. In fact the quote is “The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded” If theres anyone that isn’t weak-minded it’s Dana. But then Rita doesn’t really think these things through. Does she?

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  7. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 13 years ago

    Rita will most likely make her candidacy bid after the elections are over.

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  8. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  about 13 years ago

    Dana smart. Think that’s all that needs be said.

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