Farcus by David Waisglass and Gordon Coulthart for May 27, 2016

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    KA7DRE Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Ohh…. I thought he was just a big gasbag !

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    Gerald Henley  almost 9 years ago

    My mom said she couldn’t stand Rush Limbaugh and when I asked her if she listened to his show, the answer was “NO”. I think that is true of most Rush haters. The left vilify him, because he tells the truth and his analysis is spot on, and the rest of the sheep just follow along.

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    thephildagostino Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I’ve listened to Rush for decades. He is not hate-filled. He has never ever said anything hateful. I don’t know where you get your ideas from, but he just tells us what is and what he thinks about it. My real comment, though, is a question for the cartoonists…why was this necessary? you’re not political cartoonists. why slam an innocent bystander minding his own business? it seems gratuitous.

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    anorok2  almost 9 years ago

    If Rush is that bad, then why is he so popular? Can anyone of you name a left wing commentator as popular?

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