Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for April 07, 2013

  1. Rick
    davidf42  almost 12 years ago

    Trying a new format today.I’m having trouble with one word in Panel 6.

    P1 – Annie, by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg / Inscription on boat: POLICEP2 – Newsman: Drowning victim now confirmed to be the Hersh Cosmetics, Inc. magnate …P3 – Patsy: Your game’s over, Senator Overdale! If my brother is dead, then he is no longer trying to kill me, so therefore …Overdale: You don’t have to spell it out, Miss Hersh!Inset: Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg 7-07-02P4 – Overdale: Yes, it means I am no longer protecting you. It means you have no more reason to talk to me at all!Patsy: So you Homeland Security mastiffs can take a hike!P5 – Patsy: Oh, I’ll cooperate with the prosecutors! I’ll be a very good girl! I’ll be rehabilitated and vindicated! I’m going to be a public heroine, Senator!Overdale: I suppose you are.P6 – Patsy: For that matter, I imagine my brother’s unfortunate demise makes me, as sole living (I think it says Hersh) the new president of Hersh Cosmetics Inc.Overdale: I suppose it does.P7 – Patsy: Which means I am the dispenser of Hersh political contributions from now on! And you Washington maggots will be glad to take them!Overdale: I suppose we will.P8 – Patsy: Now! You will fly me back to New York at once! Or I will lodge formal kidnapping charges against you … and I will destroy you!Overdale: I suppose you could.P9 – Boo Boo: Ooo, gimme two minnits alone wit dat broad!Overdale: Tempting, Krapotnick! But no … that’s not how this story ends. You and I are better than that, my friend. If only barely.Inset: Next week, new adventure!

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  almost 12 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!Interesting comment, GMartin. We may find dear little Patsy in a morgue soon.

    Here’s the link to Annie 2004 .

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  3. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 12 years ago

    Panel 5: Not vindicated, redeemedPanel 6: The missing word looks like it “aschon” or “ascmon” with an umlaut over the “o”. Don’t know what word or language that is.

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  4. Avatarneal2
    APersonOfInterest  almost 12 years ago

    Good morning Anniephans. Thanks David.

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  5. Brent and tv
    bmckee  almost 12 years ago

    I’m pretty sure that the missing word is “assign”. In this particular case it is a legal term, usually used as part of the phrase “heirs and assigns” in wills. According to Wiktionary it means “one to whom rights or property is being transferred.”

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