Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for April 30, 2013

  1. Drinkybird
    susanwobb  almost 12 years ago

    I wonder how she knows that. Why wouldn’t they show themselves to Amelia?

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    gkid  almost 12 years ago


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  3. Rick
    davidf42  almost 12 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!Good question Susan. It may be some convention that Jay Maeder inherited from Leonard Starr. I’m guessing this because I think Hazel and the Constable are characters invented by Starr before Maeder took over the strip.

    Here’s the link to Annie 2004 .

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  4. Drmid nite head
    Dr. Midnight  almost 12 years ago

    Santiago looks different without the sunglasses and with her hair down.

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  5. 1937
    billdi Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    amelia may be thinking that annie has gone loco

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    kaecispopX  almost 12 years ago

    Remember Annie is an orphan whose foster father has been absent for most of her life. Either the ghost have adopted her because she was basically alone except for those who have been paid to look after her, (Remember the Asp and Punjab were employees whose loyalty was to Daddy Warbucks) or Annie has created these people in her mind to fill the void she had in her life from not having a stable home life. It is the later view that most of the world would cling to. However, Amelia may be more prone to believe the former concerning Annie. She has spent a lot of time around Annie and can see that Annie is a fairly level-headed young lady despite all the things that has happened to her.

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