After a couple of the women who were in S.C.U.M. (sixties group…Society for Cutting Up Men, remember them well) graduated from Berkley…a class project. Nick’s brain is flying.Other parts of his anatomy are still serving…ahem, science…in various private studies and applications. Giggled over, sometimes.
PatyAnn almost 13 years ago
Awesome. Would love to know how they put his brain in the helicopter.
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
After a couple of the women who were in S.C.U.M. (sixties group…Society for Cutting Up Men, remember them well) graduated from Berkley…a class project. Nick’s brain is flying.Other parts of his anatomy are still serving…ahem, science…in various private studies and applications. Giggled over, sometimes.
Stephen Gilberg almost 13 years ago
Was he shock-therapied into not swearing?
tarzina3 almost 13 years ago
i am so going to use sunday lawnmowers now! i was saying corndogs instead of s—- on a stick at work, but this is more fun!