Man: There must be more to Thornapple than meets the eye. Mr. Veeblefester: Actually, there's less!
Never judge a book by its cover, sods.
Rich mental tapestry, he just doesn’t let any of it leak out. No, really.
Talk about “leaving a paper trail”.
Brutis’s wife Gladys must have been kind to him for a change.
May 08, 2015
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
Never judge a book by its cover, sods.
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 13 years ago
Rich mental tapestry, he just doesn’t let any of it leak out. No, really.
Dragoncat almost 13 years ago
Talk about “leaving a paper trail”.
iced tea almost 13 years ago
Brutis’s wife Gladys must have been kind to him for a change.