Им бы посмотреть мультик “Простоквашино”. Там муж с женой бранятся более по-любовно.
Take that back Sandy!
@Kydex: "They should see the cartoon “Buttermilk.” There’s a husband and wife who quarrel over love."
Republicans skin us from the neck down. Democrats skin us from the ankles up. Either way we’re getting skinned.
Kydex29 about 13 years ago
Им бы посмотреть мультик “Простоквашино”. Там муж с женой бранятся более по-любовно.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago
Take that back Sandy!
redeanm about 13 years ago
@Kydex: "They should see the cartoon “Buttermilk.” There’s a husband and wife who quarrel over love."
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 13 years ago
Republicans skin us from the neck down. Democrats skin us from the ankles up. Either way we’re getting skinned.