Rubes by Leigh Rubin for February 21, 2012

  1. Robot drawing
    robolt  about 13 years ago

    lean on me, when you’re not strong….

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  2. Obie
    tagteam  about 13 years ago

    “endzngerment”???? Large fingers, small keyboard?

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    marianthelibrarian  about 13 years ago

    It’s a cartoon people!

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  4. Penguins
    James Hopkins  about 13 years ago

    This song always bothered the heck out of me. What kind of lullaby talks about a baby falling out of a tree?

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    djsabc  about 13 years ago

    Wow, a ray of sunshine on an other wise dreary day.

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  6. 11949866521635593993mountain dulcimer terry 1    copy
    rw1h  about 13 years ago

    It has always amazed me that so many nursery rhymes and stories feed off pain, suffering, and destruction for their content, e.g., Jack & Jill, Humpty Dumpty,3 blind mice, Hansel & Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, etc. But the capper of them all is this lullaby about a baby up in a tree who comes crashing to the ground. How do you go to sleep with that visual floating around in your mind…..?

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  7. Vlad2
    Oxnate  about 13 years ago

    Yes, it’s quite a horrific lullaby when you think about the words.

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    iced tea  about 13 years ago

    The most dreadful of Mother Goose rhymes,to me, is the Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe. She gave her kids just plain broth and whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed. That’s real abuse.

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