I don’t think the Tea Party loves anything or anybody…at least at the couple of meetings I went to.“Forgive them, for they know not what they do…” I’m trying,but I never heard so much delusion since a summer job at a booby hatch. Yeah, I know, very un-PC…please don’t mess with this lifetime lib, I’m NOT dangerous but I am lethal.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Santorum: Leader of the Party of No (Sex).
firedome almost 13 years ago
if he does become president, will he vacation at sanctum santorum?
Technojunkie almost 13 years ago
Darsan54: apparently you haven’t noticed how many kids he has.
TheSpanishInquisition almost 13 years ago
I’m a proud supporter of Santorum for the Republican nomination!
I’m also a proud supporter of Obama’s re-election bid, in case you hadn’t guessed…
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
I don’t think the Tea Party loves anything or anybody…at least at the couple of meetings I went to.“Forgive them, for they know not what they do…” I’m trying,but I never heard so much delusion since a summer job at a booby hatch. Yeah, I know, very un-PC…please don’t mess with this lifetime lib, I’m NOT dangerous but I am lethal.