Not so fast despot,..the media is your sorse of spreading your deplorable policies to the looking through rose colored glasses. Feed them well and they will deliver you on a silver platter.
When the press is REAL and not the current lapdogs of Power, he’d do THAT…and they’d be tooo smart to show.
But the people we have in DC now? "Oh, thank you for your press release in my format and for the inches I need, so there’s NO work for me to do, and my, how attractive your fly is… "
Once upon a time, children of Freedom, there WAS a press.But the presses were bought by the billionaires, and the schools and faculty that teach(?) journalism, just like they did with the Republican party…“It’s all over now, Baby Blue…”
Llewellenbruce almost 13 years ago
Or give it to Spook.
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
Tabloid reporters first.
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
Hold an office party for Fix Noise.
BigChiefDesoto almost 13 years ago
I like the King’s suggestion! Kill two birds with one stone, as it were!!
Aussie Down Under almost 13 years ago
Where’s the official food taster when you need him?
Tog almost 13 years ago
Invite the Murdochs round for supper.
King_Shark almost 13 years ago
Bung! The alcohol in his system would pickle the bacteria.
Hillbillyman almost 13 years ago
Not so fast despot,..the media is your sorse of spreading your deplorable policies to the looking through rose colored glasses. Feed them well and they will deliver you on a silver platter.
finkd almost 13 years ago
Yeah – they’ll be passing away.
tripwire45 almost 13 years ago
JollyRoger56 almost 13 years ago
Let Henry heat it up for you.
kc2idv almost 13 years ago
We used to joke about doing this to graduating students that had outstanding balance. If they paid we would give them the antidote.
gobbledygook almost 13 years ago
No-way this king is a Dem! Unless he’s referring to FoxNews.
brklnbern almost 13 years ago
Maybe just the drones over at MSNBC.
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
When the press is REAL and not the current lapdogs of Power, he’d do THAT…and they’d be tooo smart to show.
But the people we have in DC now? "Oh, thank you for your press release in my format and for the inches I need, so there’s NO work for me to do, and my, how attractive your fly is… "
Once upon a time, children of Freedom, there WAS a press.But the presses were bought by the billionaires, and the schools and faculty that teach(?) journalism, just like they did with the Republican party…“It’s all over now, Baby Blue…”
Until after the guillotines.
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
Except in the funnies quite often we get the Truth, hallelujah.
Phosphoros almost 13 years ago
Are you kidding? The press is his lapdog! His best bud; his fawner.