Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 11, 2012
Rob: What's that? Satchel: Bucky printed out our astrological charts! They're fascinating! Rob: Can I see it? Satchel: They give our horoscopes and what our names mean and tons of other stuff! Turns out I was born when venus was in opposition with Chicago, so that's why I'm so generous. Rob: Satchel, this wasn't printed out, Bucky just made it all up. Satchel: You mean I wasn't born when the dim star was in ascension? This Horoscope is idiotic, "Aquarium: Generosity brings luck. Give all your money to the first cat you see"... Satchel: Yeah, but even if that's not right, it turns out that "Satchel" means "He should give siamese cats money," so either way- Rob: Satchel, that's not true. Your name means "Sack." Satchel: Well, good thing "Bucky" means "He who is owed money from dogs," or I'd be feeling pretty silly right.... Oh dang.
hometownk Premium Member about 13 years ago
Keep trying Rob.
doc white about 13 years ago
Wake up the cat. He missed todays strip.
gary4160 about 13 years ago
bucky’s out spending all his loot! lol
doublepaw about 13 years ago
Bucky’s other job is commenting on Fox News.
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
Well, you can’t spell ‘Bucky’ without ‘buck’. Therefore, his fate DOES involve money!
Varnes about 13 years ago
Just another way that Buck makes cents…..
Kathe about 13 years ago
I was born under the sign of “Aquarium” and I certainly have spent money on cats, including a Siamese. This is fast becoming my most favorite comic strip. Not only does Darby tickle my funny bone, but so do the comments. It’s great to start off your day with a laugh. Thanks!
cb795 about 13 years ago
I swear Bucky must work for the boys in Congress.. What’s ours is ours and what’s yours is ours too!
Zaristerex about 13 years ago
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarium..
rolleg about 13 years ago
How dumb can dogs be? See Satchel.
Rcgreen about 13 years ago
This should give us acquariums paws.
Hoodude about 13 years ago
..thus the cool avatar..
barkingspider1 about 13 years ago
Where is Fungo lately? And at least make Bucky have some streak of compassion and do something nice for Satchel.
thebeevamp23 about 13 years ago
im TOTALLY gonna pull this on someone….“born in september…. must obey anyone who is born in march and has blond hair”…. brilliant!
Varnes about 13 years ago
Wolf, or it it the drawing of the age of Aquarius?…