Chepe: This article says Florida senator Marco Rubio could be the first Latino President. Pepe: Of what? Hair club for men?
Sure Mitt’s father George (1907-1995) came from México, but he wasn’t Hispanic when running for President in1968. It was acutally a Ben Fernandez (1925-2000) of Kansas to be said the first Hispanic running for President back in 1980, ’84 and ’88.
Lalo Alcaraz
May 22, 2015
Templo S.U.D. almost 13 years ago
Sure Mitt’s father George (1907-1995) came from México, but he wasn’t Hispanic when running for President in1968. It was acutally a Ben Fernandez (1925-2000) of Kansas to be said the first Hispanic running for President back in 1980, ’84 and ’88.