Jane's World by Paige Braddock for March 04, 2012

  1. Daffy
    llong65  about 13 years ago

    speed bump

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  2. Thefutureisbright
    tototu  about 13 years ago

    Texas squirrels

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  3. Satyr d
    ottod Premium Member about 13 years ago

    You think the critters are prehistoric, stay a while and check out the gummint!

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    rcerinys701  about 13 years ago

    A lot of people forget just how big Texas is. On Interstate 10 from El Paso to San Antonio, it is a ten hour run at 70mph.

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  5. Gocomics
    Goblinopolis  about 13 years ago

    I cover a field office that stretches from Waco to Lufkin to Port Arthur to Brownsville to El Paso. That’s only the southern 2/3 of Texas, and it’s around 200K square miles. 830 miles across, 450 miles deep. Further across than the driving distance from New York to Chicago. Texas is a big state. Alaska is quite a big larger, yes, but I don’t have to drive across that one.

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    CartoonistsMom  about 13 years ago

    Where’s the Intern!!?! (from the Internist’s Mom…)

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    stanwal  about 13 years ago

    Thats not an Opossum; its an Armadillo; as in " There is nothing in the middle of the road but yellow lines and Armadillos".

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    jamner  about 13 years ago

    and weren’t the amradillos’ of prehistoric time like the size of hippos?

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  9. Rudy
    Urbane Gorilla  about 13 years ago

    @stanwal, God created armadillos so Texans could have ’possum on the halfshell.

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