Penny: This is the most boring book I've ever read! My eyes are tired from moving back and forth so much! Maybe I should just listen to this book on tape!
Norman: They don't record pop-up books on tape, Penny!
Penny: Fine. I'll just wait for the movie!
jpsomebody almost 13 years ago
The book would still be better.
joeme almost 13 years ago
Not too long ago this would be funny. But when they’re making movies out of books that take five minutes to read, the strip is more like a comment on society.
CasualBrowser almost 13 years ago
After making a movie out of the game “Battleship”, I wouldn’t be suprized if they made one out of a pop-up book.
PoodleGroomer almost 13 years ago
The blue-ray or download 3-d version should be available for your computer or flat screen tv. Check the torrents for a pirated copy.
Drewdove almost 13 years ago
They don’t record anything on tape anymore.
Llywus almost 13 years ago
Seriously, CB, they made a movie based on Battleship?? Sheesh, no wonder I don’t pay much attention to cinema anymore.
mxlance almost 13 years ago
I think Fagan’s commenting on how many young kids aren’t learning to enjoy reading. Maybe he should point out that Ralph and Honeybunch are not exactly great role models!