Last Kiss by John Lustig for March 07, 2012

  1. 13.2.6lustigavator
    John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator almost 13 years ago

    And here’s a link to the original art as it appeared in a 1960s issue of First Kiss:

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 13 years ago

    Typical high school male, although this one looks a little long in the tooth…

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  3. Avatar 3
    pcolli  almost 13 years ago

    For some reason, the girl at the front of the picture reminds me of Lois Lane in the 50s/60s Superman TV show.

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  4. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  almost 13 years ago

    Great things must of happened, she is still clinging and her smile matches!

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  5. Airshow 092
    JollyRoger56  almost 13 years ago

    Two can play at that game. The girl in front and I have a date tonight.

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  6. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  almost 13 years ago

    When you’re that much in love you want to shout it to the world.

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  7. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 13 years ago

    He’s dating Lars his personal trainer.

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  8. Minialf
    normfromga  almost 13 years ago

    And yet, that young man returned to his home state fifty years later, and won the Georgia GOP Presidential Primary in a landslide.

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  9. 13.2.6lustigavator
    John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator almost 13 years ago

    @WhitecamryMy wife had a similar reaction to yours when she read the original art. Tricks indeed!

    It’s interesting to me to see the new meanings/context that the old text has when contrasted to my new dialog.

    A lot of the time, I’m really not looking at the old text when I write the new text. (Sometimes I’ll write the gags weeks or even months after I’ve removed the old text and had Allen Freeman color it.)

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  10. 13.2.6lustigavator
    John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator almost 13 years ago

    @NormSounds about right to me!

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