Bug Blog by Cuco Rocha Birther Sherrif Joe Arizona Sherrif Joe Arpaoi has probed Presidents Obama's birth certificate to keep him off the AZ fall ballot. His proof is a receipt from panda express and a magic 8 ball that keeps responding "Ask Later."
jmcg1213 almost 13 years ago
Not funny, not entertaining, not satiric.Just another moron who thinks this country owes something to what has become it’s most undesireable immigrant population.
gladlythecrosseyedbear almost 13 years ago
There’s no difference between Obama and the Republican who’ll run against him. Besides, Obama’s too busy to care, since he’s discovered the fun of sending drones to kill women and children in Pakistan and in Yemen
peachyanddanny almost 13 years ago
Sherrif Joe is a fracking bigot and an idiot. Where exactly was he born?
Mister Mean almost 13 years ago
I gather that Mitt Romney’s father was born in a Mormon communion in Northern Mexico. Wonder how he ran for president being born in Mexico? Does that make Mitt an anchor baby?