Grinning I’m reading a science fiction series by Tanya Huff which has a friendly alien people who have a custom of eating their deceased loved ones (respectfully cooked and seasoned). Human endearments like “You look good enough to eat” translate rather too well.
PICTO almost 13 years ago
Animal crackers to the front, doughnuts to the rear, ginger snaps to fill the cracks and show no signs of fear.
DuHhozr almost 13 years ago
Ever hear a Ginger snap or listen to a rubber band or see a match box?
Loijen almost 13 years ago
s’allright as long as you don’t mess with the Gumdrop buttons!
mrssaskfan almost 13 years ago
Grinning I’m reading a science fiction series by Tanya Huff which has a friendly alien people who have a custom of eating their deceased loved ones (respectfully cooked and seasoned). Human endearments like “You look good enough to eat” translate rather too well.
Digital Frog almost 13 years ago
@DuHhozr – heard a ginger snap, yes: Most notable one was Fergie.
iced tea almost 13 years ago
And you smell sooo…well, good, too.
ProfessorKid almost 13 years ago
“Do you know the Muffin Man?”“The Muffinf man?”“The Muffin Man.”“Who lives on Drury Lane?”