Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 26, 2012

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    Peabody-Martini  almost 13 years ago

    Headline: Former dictator and Washington lobbyist commit suicide after car backfires.

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 13 years ago

    Sorry, Iā€™ve already been dead once. Rerun from May 2, 2011.

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    Orion-13  almost 13 years ago

    ā€˜Popā€™? Must be a 9mm. Careful! It might leave a nasty bruise! ;-P


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    YatInExile  almost 13 years ago

    Funny you should say that. At this moment, Iā€™m watching Der Untergang, about Hitler and Evaā€™s last days.

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    King_Shark  almost 13 years ago

    Another week of reruns? I canā€™t remember when GBT last took two weeks off in succession.

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    Doughfoot  almost 13 years ago

    ā€œIf this was a real assassination attempt, at least one of them would have never heard the shot.ā€ Not necessarily so, if it was an ā€œattempt.ā€ Now if it was a success, that would be a different story.

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    Blood-Poisoning Vermin  almost 13 years ago

    Dang, I thought GT would be giving us an insiderā€™s view of the Supreme Court deliberating the future of our health care system.

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    montessoriteacher  almost 13 years ago

    I would have voted for the SC deliberating too. Oh well. This was a timely strip when it ran last year.

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    pouncingtiger  almost 13 years ago

    If only it would work for a select few at Fix News.

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    kaffekup   almost 13 years ago

    ā€œIf this was a real assassination attempt, at least one of them would have never heard the shot.ā€ Not necessarily so, if it was an ā€œattempt.ā€ Unlikely; assassins donā€™t usually take practice shots. If they take the shot, that means it will hit someone..On another subject, did anyone notice they wasted a perfectly good human heart on Cheney? Heā€™s what, about 10 years older than the normal oldest recipient?

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    GTphile  almost 13 years ago

    MIKE PRICE said, over 1 year agoThe practice and teaching of the art of comedy has been my profession for over 60 years. Garry Trudeau has a great, well-honed sense of humor, and he wields it like the master he is. But comedy, all comedy, is, in the final analysis, purely subjective. Some of the commentors appearing herein cannot appreciate GT because their politics denies their enjoyment; hatred blurs and dilutes their ability to grasp any nuance. The rest have a grapefruitā€™s sense of humor.

    posted on oct 3 2010 on same strip rerun yesterday Mar 25 2012.

    Last night I read those comments, fewer but more or less in same vein, maybe less anger.Mike Price actually has a bio wish some personal information; joined gocomics in 2009, says he is the oldest stand up comic, Hasnā€™t posted in 11 months, so I googled him . He lived in Santa Monica,moved to Reno where he died last November. Nice story about him in Jay Johnsonā€™s blog:

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    GTphile  almost 13 years ago

    mythreesons said, about 1 hour ago

    @King Shark

    Iā€™m still hoping the DTPi will resurface. Keep wishing the disappearance is due to just a broken computer and not anything worse.- - - the persistance of memoryā€¦

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    GTphile  almost 13 years ago

    Iā€™m sure of one thingā€¦when or if DTPi resurfaces, heā€™ll show up here first..

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    Jaylene Hake  almost 13 years ago

    ā€œCyanide. See you in hell.ā€ Hahahaā€¦that totally sounds like something the real Gonzo would say.

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