ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for March 16, 2012

  1. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  over 12 years ago

    When you have two groups of armed, irrational, dogmatic, religious fundamentalist States that hate each other beyond reason, then just stand back and let them go at it; when the mess is over simply go in, mop up, and establish civilized secular governments where possible, where not…well they made their own beds, let’em sleep in it without U.S. or international aide and maybe next time they will think conciliation over war.

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  2. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  over 12 years ago

    So what…anymore…the U.N, as lead at that time by the U.S and England, unjustly and wrongly took Arab land and give it to a religious group. This has kept the Middle East at war since then and given the Western Military-Industrial Complex and associated Banks a base source for ongoing profits. It is all just a vicious circle lead by the majority of socially mindless rich and/or power hungry of the world.

    The rest of us, for the most part pout, or shout out and past our compassionate plea in commentary on blogs like this…some of us even vote, march, and protest against the insanity of war…in the hopes that someday our voice will be heard, that we might garner the power to put a stop to the ongoing madness of wars, environmental degradation and a species that kills their own kind.It will not matter who processes what if we can ever reach a state in the world were we finally all realize are oneness, that we are all brothers and sisters who must look after and take care of each other’s basic needs and concerns or, as Barbra Ward noted in 1956 that, "We are one people, living on one little space ship that we know as Mother Earth, and we shall all learn to leave together in peace and harmony or surely perish fighting amongst ourselves.
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