Ha! Tony is a Penny-trained man. He “says” he has laryngitis and even with double pneumonia has breath enough to push through it. What a mensch! Burl, of course, who has used this same excuse many times before, knows exactly how to respond. Jack Welch, look out, Burl’s a-gainin’ on ye!
Hullo Crustwoodians, new and old….and no, I’m not implying anything about our ages…Mollie, it seems easier to find the Find-It than to make out the picture that shows what to look for. I hope it’s a smiley face, cos that’s what I found one of.Right, Mikie… you can’t fool the fooler, trick the trickster, slack off on the seasoned slacker.
If anybody knows every excuse in the book it’s Burl Penny.Meanwhile, Joy seems about to “invent” the pineapple right-side up cake.
BTW, the place seems empty without Marg and Leaky, doesn’t it…Leaky’s still using that old “injury” story… he learned that trick from Burl… But I went looking for Marg and found her… well, I really can’t tell you….but considering that she asked me to say she’s in jail cos it sounds better……don’t expect her too soon.
Oh… @WTF Cares from yesterday…I’m actually FROM Peoria, sorta. Born there, and so was my mother, and visited relatives there all the time I was growing up.Some of my aunts and uncles have a few very Pennyish traits, in a loveable sort of way, as I’ve said before in this forum.Julie herself is from Lincoln, and has lived in Chicago and various suburbs, though she says Crustwood isn’t based on a specific place.Maybe it’s partly Peoria, who knows, unless Julie said it somewhere and I missed it.I kinda wondered, though, why you think I’m “Susie sun-don’t shine there.”LOL
Not that I’m sick all that often, but that is the stupidest company policy I’ve ever heard. If I told my boss 48 hours in advance I was going to be sick, he’d think I had an interview or was playing hooky to golf or go to the ball game.
I used to love pineapple upside down cake, but I can’t remember the last time I bought canned pineapple or any cherries in a jar. My groceries this week included 2 whole pineapples, 3 pears, a quart of strawberries and a cantalope- nothing I would bake into a cake. I think I’ll bake 8 mini pizzas today and top them with mushrooms and pepperoni as well as my sauce and a few cheeses. Altogether that will take the better part of my day, as I’ll be nest watching the rest of the time. I can’t imagine joy going to the extra work of putting together a cake of any kind (thought she just bought from a Sara Lee Outlet store).
I just had the bigget giggle of the morning watching these little hawklets fight for food. The younger just hatched yesterday and can hardly hold his head up while older wants to snatch away food and knock him down— too comical!
They have plenty of food and good vigilant parents; that won’t happen. The younger one was just out of the egg yesterday; by tomorrow it will be able to move just about as well as the elder and the 3rd and last egg should hatch tomorrow. The adult hawks are a beautiful pair and the college did a great job of mounting HD surveillance cameras at the nesting site which is on a large lighting stanchion over their athletic fields. The hatchlings were a little rough but parents keep it to a minimum by sitting on them most of the time.
Re: Leaky’s “injury.” I have an unsubstantiated report that he is actually a hero in the incident. Backstory: I’m sure that everyone remembers The Flying Wallendas and the several tragedies that have befallen them over the years. Also everyone is aware of the great circus troupe, Cirque de Soleil.
But perhaps not everyone is aware of another, more exotic troupe, Cirque de Cialis. I understand that Leaky is their principal aerialist and that his premier act involves certain, er, “specialty acts” performed with two Russian girls, Olga and Katrina, while on the high wire. Evidently he was so proficient in his performance that Olga lost her balance and began to fall. (It is important to note that like the Wallendas, Leaky’s group also performs without protection.) When Leaky saw Olga begin to fall and without any regard for his own safety, he reached out to her and saved her. Unfortunately he slipped and fell to the ground, shattering his shoulder.
He has been nominated for the Johnson Medal with crossed legs for this feat of skill and bravery.
Leaky, can you confirm that this is true? And will there be a formal presentation?
That is funny, Leaky! I saw one Circ show in Vegas with my BF when we went with his youngest daughter. After days with little sleep the premium seats were not appreciated (or maybe I’m just not a circus person). Having folks swinging above my head when I have had little sleep is not a pleasant thing! I don’t ever plan to visit Vegas again-too much walking if you are wearing heels and not the best place to show off great outfits.
mollie05 almost 13 years ago
Definitely have to magnify to Find It today, I see Joy has Been hard at work cooking breakfast with instant Dunkin Donuts and cereal for poor Burl!!
anniebodyhome almost 13 years ago
Good AM everyone. For those that read it, I think “In The Sticks” is coming back to gocomics! :)
mikie2 almost 13 years ago
Ha! Tony is a Penny-trained man. He “says” he has laryngitis and even with double pneumonia has breath enough to push through it. What a mensch! Burl, of course, who has used this same excuse many times before, knows exactly how to respond. Jack Welch, look out, Burl’s a-gainin’ on ye!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Hullo Crustwoodians, new and old….and no, I’m not implying anything about our ages…Mollie, it seems easier to find the Find-It than to make out the picture that shows what to look for. I hope it’s a smiley face, cos that’s what I found one of.Right, Mikie… you can’t fool the fooler, trick the trickster, slack off on the seasoned slacker.
If anybody knows every excuse in the book it’s Burl Penny.Meanwhile, Joy seems about to “invent” the pineapple right-side up cake.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago
BTW, the place seems empty without Marg and Leaky, doesn’t it…Leaky’s still using that old “injury” story… he learned that trick from Burl… But I went looking for Marg and found her… well, I really can’t tell you….but considering that she asked me to say she’s in jail cos it sounds better……don’t expect her too soon.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Oh… @WTF Cares from yesterday…I’m actually FROM Peoria, sorta. Born there, and so was my mother, and visited relatives there all the time I was growing up.Some of my aunts and uncles have a few very Pennyish traits, in a loveable sort of way, as I’ve said before in this forum.Julie herself is from Lincoln, and has lived in Chicago and various suburbs, though she says Crustwood isn’t based on a specific place.Maybe it’s partly Peoria, who knows, unless Julie said it somewhere and I missed it.I kinda wondered, though, why you think I’m “Susie sun-don’t shine there.”LOL
Hussell almost 13 years ago
We have a co worker who actually called off saying she was up all night crying and didn’t get any sleep.
Hope to see you soon Leaky and Marge.
Good morning Crustwoodians and Peoriains and their Pennnyish relatives!
finale almost 13 years ago
I’m sure Burl will call in a part timer or a temp; HE can’t be expected to shoulder the entire burden himself. (Plus, who would go for lunch?)
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Not that I’m sick all that often, but that is the stupidest company policy I’ve ever heard. If I told my boss 48 hours in advance I was going to be sick, he’d think I had an interview or was playing hooky to golf or go to the ball game.
InTraining Premium Member almost 13 years ago
BURL has it all wrong….. 48 hours’ notice is for the employee death benefit…. ! ! !
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
I used to love pineapple upside down cake, but I can’t remember the last time I bought canned pineapple or any cherries in a jar. My groceries this week included 2 whole pineapples, 3 pears, a quart of strawberries and a cantalope- nothing I would bake into a cake. I think I’ll bake 8 mini pizzas today and top them with mushrooms and pepperoni as well as my sauce and a few cheeses. Altogether that will take the better part of my day, as I’ll be nest watching the rest of the time. I can’t imagine joy going to the extra work of putting together a cake of any kind (thought she just bought from a Sara Lee Outlet store).
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
I just had the bigget giggle of the morning watching these little hawklets fight for food. The younger just hatched yesterday and can hardly hold his head up while older wants to snatch away food and knock him down— too comical!
dfowensby almost 13 years ago
hilarity abounds!
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
They have plenty of food and good vigilant parents; that won’t happen. The younger one was just out of the egg yesterday; by tomorrow it will be able to move just about as well as the elder and the 3rd and last egg should hatch tomorrow. The adult hawks are a beautiful pair and the college did a great job of mounting HD surveillance cameras at the nesting site which is on a large lighting stanchion over their athletic fields. The hatchlings were a little rough but parents keep it to a minimum by sitting on them most of the time.
Dr.Hydrogen almost 13 years ago
I love borax too.
ChucklinChuck almost 13 years ago
Has Joy worn an “on asphalt” show T-shirt before?
Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Wonder what would happen if the folks from one of those Storage Auction shows came to Burl’s place. Think they’d make him a star?
mikie2 almost 13 years ago
Re: Leaky’s “injury.” I have an unsubstantiated report that he is actually a hero in the incident. Backstory: I’m sure that everyone remembers The Flying Wallendas and the several tragedies that have befallen them over the years. Also everyone is aware of the great circus troupe, Cirque de Soleil.
But perhaps not everyone is aware of another, more exotic troupe, Cirque de Cialis. I understand that Leaky is their principal aerialist and that his premier act involves certain, er, “specialty acts” performed with two Russian girls, Olga and Katrina, while on the high wire. Evidently he was so proficient in his performance that Olga lost her balance and began to fall. (It is important to note that like the Wallendas, Leaky’s group also performs without protection.) When Leaky saw Olga begin to fall and without any regard for his own safety, he reached out to her and saved her. Unfortunately he slipped and fell to the ground, shattering his shoulder.
He has been nominated for the Johnson Medal with crossed legs for this feat of skill and bravery.
Leaky, can you confirm that this is true? And will there be a formal presentation?
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
I checked out that eagle cam but camera was not great and this one can even be watched in HD
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
That is funny, Leaky! I saw one Circ show in Vegas with my BF when we went with his youngest daughter. After days with little sleep the premium seats were not appreciated (or maybe I’m just not a circus person). Having folks swinging above my head when I have had little sleep is not a pleasant thing! I don’t ever plan to visit Vegas again-too much walking if you are wearing heels and not the best place to show off great outfits.
Hussell almost 13 years ago
good to see you again, Leaky