Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for April 19, 2012
Man: Aiiieee! Look! The portly silhouette of our divine popokitty! Rip: Hear me, faithful! Release the hot chick and her jellyfish dog at once! Also, put me on a diet! I'm a cat, I'm going to eat every waffle and ho ho you put in front of me, fools! Popokitty: Mew. Rip: No, I won't take it back.
epiphoney over 12 years ago
Will Popokitty wind up joining Rip’s family as TNT’s partner? Or will he find someone who can accept him as he is, like Garfield?
PatyAnn over 12 years ago
I dont know if TNT would either.
mntim over 12 years ago
Strange. I never knew Popokitty was a baritone.
Dragoncat over 12 years ago
Hey! I’d rather eat a waffle instead of a rat any day of the week!
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
That is one cat who knows how to communicate (and masticate too!…*lol…) it communicates with da Ripster quite well!.HugPounceszzz Haywire Hooligans!
DorianKTB over 12 years ago
I’m kinda feeling sorry for Popokitty; he oughta try Weight Watchers, where you can eat all you want (and like) and still lose weight! Either that or resign himself to life as a live couch cushion! :-) (Anyway, it’s working for me!)
Uncle_Bad over 12 years ago
“He’s a dog who’s a scaredy-cat; she’s a kitty who’s a chow-hound! Together they fight crime! Coming soon to HBS: ‘POPO & TNT’! Neither crime nor snausages stand a chance!”(Copyright the Haywire Broadcasting Service.)
Veridian over 12 years ago
You Hooligans are ALL forgetting one very Salient Point here. IF Clan Haywire adopts poor Pudgy Popokitty (and that’s a BIG “IF” in more ways than one…) Evil Grammy will throw a Conniption Fit of truly EPIC Proportions! She’s already miffed at Rip for Choosing a Jellyfish over a Pomeranian (Sorry TNT). Imagine her revulsion at learning Team Haywire now Includes a Portly Persian! …..On the other Hand, It DOES have a Certain Appeal: Popokitty as the CATalyst for further Cartoon Chaos…..Hmmmmm. Dan, You’re Sneaky and Underhanded! I Like That, It reminds me of ME! HUGPOUNCESZZZ!! and Have Fun Y’all! :-)
Alia Noora about 3 years ago