Pluggers by Rick McKee for April 18, 2012

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    Chas60  almost 13 years ago

    Some of our best times, are spend on the couch catching 20 winks.

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    LuvThemPluggers  almost 13 years ago

    Really? This is 2012, Steve. You have to be more open minded!

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    stukuls  almost 13 years ago

    Pluggers got to get out and move! The Medicare Part D coverage gap can get expensive! Hugs and drugs do not a healthy plugger make! Hugs are sure good though.

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  4. Jaws
    Johnny Galt  almost 13 years ago

    Thank G_d I quit smoking 20 years ago, elsi I would have burned myself and the whole house up nodding off with a lit butt between my fingers..

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  5. Jaws
    Johnny Galt  almost 13 years ago

    I never went to sleep with an ugly woman, but I woke up with a few.

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    Robear  almost 13 years ago

    These would be so much better if the same type of animal was used together for wife and/or family

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    hippogriff  almost 13 years ago

    Robert Reynolds: Since you can’t handle fictional interspecies relationships as in Safe Havens as well as Pluggters, can you survive interracial/interbreed? Even in cartoon fiction like Jump Start?

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  8. Bunny rides
    Misha1995  almost 13 years ago

    The only thing wrong with this strip is the use of “short” catnap. I can do an hour, easy. And at my house, cat naps often include a real cat, in addition to hubby.

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  9. Spooky
    unca jim  almost 13 years ago

    @Misha1995; MY catnaps involve a cat, too
 but a 20-minute ‘nap’ creates a 3AM ‘wake-time’ that lasts until way past sun-up. Night-time AM radio is NOT a help !

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