Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for April 24, 2012

  1. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  almost 13 years ago

    shut up spammer!!!

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  2. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  almost 13 years ago

    Well good luck with the mailmen…they carry mase.

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  3.  gif    headphone kitty
    Olfarto  almost 13 years ago

    Welllll, squirrels are like really small mailmen, delivering nuts from treehole to treehole, so they’re worth 1/10th of a mailman, or 1/50th of a vacuum cleaner salesman on the bark score sheet. So a vacuum cleaner salessquirrel would be worth about half a mailman.

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  4. King hic
    Xane_T  almost 13 years ago

    That’s a great explanation for why we haven’t seen the local Oreck dealer in decades. Hah, for once Gramps is totally correct!

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  5. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    In time, the dogs may win that war as well.

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  6. Image
    LingeeWhiz  almost 13 years ago

    Not quite gramps. My dad just bought a Kirby vacuum from a door to door guy a couple of years ago. So heavy, no one can even push it around!!!!

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    cleokaya  almost 13 years ago

    Well dog’s still have Jehovah’s Witness visitors to bark at. Crank up the volume.

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  8. Missing large
    kzcreations.com  almost 13 years ago

    hopefully the newspaper guy never stops coming around to bark at and chase (hopefully for dogs, and for comic strip lovers)

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