Monty by Jim Meddick for May 04, 2012

  1. Gigglesb
    tattooedcyberidiot  almost 13 years ago

    Maybe the donut is a bi-product from munchkin manufacture

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    spamster  almost 13 years ago

    have to do something with all that extra dough

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  3. Hold still i gotcha homie 28918 1250050600 0
    Aussie Down Under  almost 13 years ago

    Now if it looked like a religious leader he could sell it on ebay.

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    timzsixty9  almost 13 years ago

    another proud moment!

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  5. Dscf2358 icon ii
    revisages  almost 13 years ago

    a toast. to all the munchkin leaders out there

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  6. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 13 years ago

    Quick, Robin! To the YouTube! Whoops! I mean, ā€œQuick, Monty, ā€¦.ā€15 minutes of fame beckon. And Homer Simpson is really going to be jealous!

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  7. 11 06 126
    Varnes  almost 13 years ago

    I took the time to gather enough Tootsie Roll Pop wrappers so I could see all of the drawings of the kids playing on them. I took four wrappersā€¦(There are ten illustrations on each sideā€¦). Some retired people get up at 7 and mow the lawn 3 or 4 times a weekā€¦.Obviously I have better things to doā€¦..

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  8. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    now a days, they donā€™t make doughnuts the way they used to ā€¦ now, they just form the dough with dies, and that leaves no ā€˜holesā€™. THUS, TimBits/holes are their own product. :(I miss the whojivapiveyā€™s of yesteryear.

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  9. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Shhh, donā€™t tell ā€˜em. donut holes are made on their own ā€™cause the actual dough from the holes arenā€™t big enough and are too much of a pain in the patootie to separate.(ex donut shop owner ā€” Dunkinā€™s once arch rival Mister Donut)Still thought it was very funny

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  10. Shark vs swimmer stencil copy
    SwimsWithSharks  almost 13 years ago

    Good to resume adult activities, after being stuck so long with Copernicus and Eucalyptus.

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    littleannoyingdog  almost 13 years ago

    @ LaflnLarry I remember that chain.

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    lemon868  almost 13 years ago

    I do too, my first job ever was working for a Mr. Donut. I lasted just two months of weekend work.

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  13. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    SwimsWS ā€” Moondog is an adult??

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    iced tea  almost 13 years ago

    If Moondog finds over a hundred matching donut holes, heā€™ll be in Ripleyā€™s Believe It Or Not!


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  15. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Penny Robinson Fan Club, Well, the Mr Donut founder was a cousin of the Dunkin guy and left because he thought he could do it better. AllanVS (versus who?), Iā€™d have said things differently if Iā€™d seen your post ā€” and I do try to check for similar posts/thoughts. All I can see now is they were in the same hour so I donā€™t know if you just beat me or not. Anyway, a lot of cake donuts have always been made via machine that leaves no hole. Gah! In the vidoe the guy says there are two kinds of donuts while taking a French donut (cruller) out of a plastic box and French donuts are a third kind of donut.

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    grobdash  almost 13 years ago

    How can they do a High Five, when their hands have only four fingers?

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