Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for April 21, 2012

  1. Willin 2
    bluskies  almost 13 years ago


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  2. Dscf2358 icon ii
    revisages  almost 13 years ago

    ok. so hers was his other left, from his viewpoint, as he looked on what was her left. for her to emphasize his other left, he’d be her other.but only ideally.worst case, and more likely for him, any ‘other’ is still just himself, and she’s confident he’d certainly recognize that

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  3. Owls 96
    gjsjr41  almost 13 years ago

    She said “your” left, not her left.

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  4. One moses
    DrMoses  almost 13 years ago

    Ziggy is left handed, surley he knows his left from his right. Right brain is designed to listen to ‘how’ something is being said, while left brain is designed to listen to ‘what’ is being said.

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  5. 2011 04 12 smoking but not so hot
    Commentator  almost 13 years ago

 my other left.

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  6. Missing large
    Poollady  almost 13 years ago

    Go left and you’ll be right, go right and you’ll be left (out)!

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  7. Gocomics avatar
    xsintricks  almost 13 years ago

    Your military left!!

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  8. Missing large
    Big_Tex  almost 13 years ago

    When I was in the ROTC, the seargent threated to put rocks in our left hands, so we would know our right from left.

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  9. Gig5
    Gigantor  almost 13 years ago

    You’re almost as bad as Ziggy. We do know her original instructions. They’re right there in the panel. “The For Dummies books are on your left.” There’s no ambiguity there. At this rate, we’re soon going to need “Comic Strips for Dummies.”

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