Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for April 19, 2012

  1. Shepherd sam
    peabodyboy  almost 13 years ago

    The NBA is greedy. The agents are greedy. But when it comes to greed, arrogance and sanctimonious lying, no one beats the NCAA. I have no sympathy with any D-1 athletic program, and I’d like to see all the colleges go the D-3 route. That will never happen. Why? Because the big time sports programs are too greedy.

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    Itsjustb  almost 13 years ago

    @gmartin: Funny you should suggest that. Have you heard about the red-shirt freshman forward at Wisconsin? He wants to transfer to a school “better suited to his offense” (or something like that). First of all, the NCAA rule says he MUST sit a year before he can play at his new school. But his coach also has the right to say what schools he can not transfer to under any circumstances, and in this case his coach isn’t allowing him to transfer to any Big 10 school (Wisconsin is in the Big 10, that makes sense), any ACC school (because the ACC and Big 10 play a meaningless tourney at the start of the season), and a couple of other schools for some unknown reason. Meanwhile, coaches can—and do—transfer to any school, including ones in the same conference, even after signing contracts. How is this fair? How is this equal treatment?

    And we get mad at these “student athletes” who pull a one-and-done? That’s like being surprised when the people living in a dictatorship “suddenly” rise up against their oppressor.

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    tonyquinn  almost 13 years ago

    Not contributing? I expect the University of Kentucky made a fortune off its three one and done freshmen this “academic” year.

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  4. Dgp 61
    DavidGBA  almost 13 years ago

    Frosh can play JV ?

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  5. Hammy
    pnorman1  almost 13 years ago

    Do you know what Coach Calipari calls a player who wants to stay for a second year? He calls them a bench warmer. Coach Cal only wants players who are good enough to leave after one year.

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    ad10hd16  almost 13 years ago

    When will our wonderful Colleges and Universities get back to their true function-EDUCATION, RESEARCH, Teaching INTEGRITY, instead of being farm teams for the pro leagues?

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