Scary Gary by Mark Buford for April 16, 2012

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 13 years ago

    Gary could use more of that panel 2 exercise, actually. And after Leopold pays a visit, the new neighbors’ house is likely going to be vacant and up for sale again.

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  2. 4 8 8 2
    Peabody-Martini  almost 13 years ago

    The new neighbors now get eaten like the old neighbors. The circle of life continues.

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  3. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 13 years ago

    Tender and delicious.

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  4. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  almost 13 years ago

    Are these the same neighbors that invited Gary over for a dinner party the other evening?

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  5. Auscat
    Imacyn  almost 13 years ago

    Maybe Gary should have looked on the new neighbors mailbox to see if it says ‘The Van Helsings’

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