Monty by Jim Meddick for May 10, 2012

  1. Gigglesb
    tattooedcyberidiot  almost 13 years ago

    that explains why I like snacking and driving around the country in a van, solving mysteries

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  2. Dscf2358 icon ii
    revisages  almost 13 years ago

    i guess i’ve become peppermint patty

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    Proginoskes  almost 13 years ago

    That would explain why I get rocks for Halloween every year.

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  4. Possum
    Possum Pete  almost 13 years ago

    My role model was Fritz the Cat!

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    Varnes  almost 13 years ago

    Mine, of course was Go Man Van Gogh. Remember, he lives in the jungles of Wildsville, on Hungry I land. (Code for munchies?) I’ve always wondered how far that was from No Bikini Atoll……..

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  6. Victor
    victornewman  almost 13 years ago

    I guess that explains why every room I enter suddenly needs dusting.

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    bebob  almost 13 years ago

    Great artwork with Monty’s open mouth in the chair.

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  8. Hyena nature
    jimbeauga  almost 13 years ago

    Now I know why I enjoyed Howard the Duck so much…

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  9. Flag
    veranna  almost 13 years ago

    Love the oldies elves…..“it’s Coco, it’s Hardrock. it’s——JOE

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  10. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  almost 13 years ago

    i modeled Rudolph. Got a shiny red nose from drinkin’ too much and like fly high. (kidding)

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  11. Ronald reagan
    OldestandWisest  almost 13 years ago

    The dentist brother obviously forgot the lesson from “Rudolph” that he needed to remove all of his brother’s teeth to make him into a reformed Bumble!

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  12. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  almost 13 years ago

    I call my A/C tech “Abominable” for lousy service, and, he

    calls me “Bumbles”(because Bumbles check bounces.)

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  13. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 13 years ago

    I think Monty needs to select a new dentist; one who does not come from a family of genetically hot-wired miscreants.

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    iced tea  almost 13 years ago

    I got all my inspiration from the Peanuts gang. But the real inspiration came from my 5th grade teacher. She turned us all onto reading and I first began writing stories because she encouraged it.

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  15. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  almost 13 years ago

    little concerned here. my role models were looney tunes/wilde e coyote and the original Twilight Zone. ……. so that makes me…….forgetting to make that left turn and wanting all those fun things from ACME.

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