Close to Home by John McPherson for May 20, 2012

  1. Img 1504
    Woody157  almost 13 years ago

    Children + magnifying glass + ants equals.The difference between men & boysIs the size and price of their toys.

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    joe piglet Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Fun and game until someone looses an eye.

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    sfreader1  almost 13 years ago

    I also dislike practical jokes. hey are never funny, and sometimes dangerous or injurious.

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    LingeeWhiz  almost 13 years ago

    I think Comstock will soon send you a Lode.

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    Poollady  almost 13 years ago

    Is it just me, or is anyone else hot in here?

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  6. Mr banjo
    ted.hering  almost 13 years ago

    Did they forget today is the solar eclipse?

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  7. Fang
    Chewiek9  almost 13 years ago

    Love it!

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    gosfreikempe  almost 13 years ago

    Today’s eclipse is only partial where I am, but it’s “only” annular even for the folks that see the total eclipse. A total eclipse, however, is worth seeing So go watch it. But WATCH SAFELY! If you don’t have proper eclipse glasses, or a solar filter (that says it’s safe for use in viewing the sun directly) then use a pinhole in a sheet of paper to project the image onto another sheet of paper or other white surface. I won’t put this in bold letters, but if you view the sun through a telescope without a solar filter, you WILL damage your vision instantle and permanently. So play safe, and watch the eclipse safely. And be sur to brag to me tomorrow about how great it was, just to make me jealous.. {sob}

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  9. P1010004
    KA7DRE Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    I smell burnt insulation !

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