Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for May 01, 2012

  1. Kenny
    The Nihilist  over 12 years ago

    Hey it’s hard to top having a unicorn as your best friend.

    Unless you have your own atomic powered super-blimp manned by a crew of deranged penguins…—Sorry my nephew loves that show

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    Earl E  over 12 years ago

    I must say that your strip is pure enjoyment! Keep up the good work.

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  3. Kenny
    The Nihilist  over 12 years ago

    The Penguins of Madagascar

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago

    as an “awesomeness inspector” i would say you are doing a good job. you did find Marigold.

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  5. Pc1
    TheDOCTOR  over 12 years ago

    Went back and read the beginning. This could be ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ for girls. Sweet Strip and forgive this but Marigold has a bit of a Socialite Brit accent when I read her lines.

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    al.right301  over 12 years ago

    So far this seems a watered down copy of one of the main story lines in Non Sequitur: a cynical brat-girl makes friends with a seemingly innocent but cunning horse-like creature… ?

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I can’t wait to meet Phoebe parents! If she has parents.

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  8. Lotr
    libbydog  over 12 years ago

    ^ I’m wondering if we are going to meet other humans as well.

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  9. Mister ed color logo square
    Mister-Edd  over 12 years ago

    Years ago I bought a graphic comic book from Roberta Gregory, Sheila and the Unicorn.She may still have copies of it available for sale. The humor in it is similar to this strip, and made me laugh.

    Sheila and the Unicorn

    Right-click to see the large image below in its entirety (or visit the website above).

    Sheila and the Unicorn

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    BruceBergman  over 12 years ago

    When you come right down to it, there’s nothing out there that hasn’t been done many many many times before. Look at Hollywood (and Bollywood) redoing the same movie plots (and sometimes exact duplicates with a new cast) every ~20 years or so…

    Problem is, now with the Internet no matter how obscure the movie, play, stage, TV or Radio Show, book, magazine, periodical… You can find it. (And the corollary, Rule 42, too.)

    You just have to find a good idea you can get behind whole-heartedly (Like, say, Heavenly Nostrils) and give it an original spin all your own.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago

    why do new strips all was draw trolls?this is GOOD, Dana. its not C&H, 0r C&B. its unique and yours and I like it.please keep up the good work.

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  12. Phoebeface
    danasimpson creator over 12 years ago

    Aw, be nice, he was only sharing. I encourage sharing. :)

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  13. K012
    Kylebot5000  over 12 years ago

    i wonder why little kids make the best comic strip characters? It always seems to work the best. Peanuts is the best comic strip ever with Calvin and Hobbes a close second (my own opinion) And there are some good strips with adults, and the pure fantasy characters are kind of funny because they’re made of magic, like Marigold. But still the most highly regarded comic strips have been about kid characters. (historically, not popular opinion of the times, because people liked Garfield alot and still do… but it was nothing compared to the love and respect people had for Calvin and Hobbes when it came later. Oddly enough I wonder if C&H had been syndicated before Garfield if Garfield might have seemed, ironically enough, a little childish in comparison to the first class ride Watterson gave us with Calvin) It’s interesting…. any thoughts on why this kid comic stuff is so cool? I think its cool.

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    PanicMoon  over 12 years ago

    I want that job…

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    AdrienneMalone  over 12 years ago

    Why is anyone who compares this strip to a previous one called a “troll”?Comparing it to Calvin & Hobbes, Cow and Boy, and Sheila sounds more like a compliment than a complaint to me.Maybe you should at least try to live up to your name and be happy.And learn to type.Correct spelling.Basic grammar.Etcetera.

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  16. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  over 3 years ago

    Being her best friend means free horsey rides for life.

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    samik.mishra14  about 3 years ago


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