Lemme see if I’ve got this right: Congress spends money, and you think it’s GONE? burned, like wood, or gasoline? Congress CIRCULATES money, and you DO get some.
Yes, they ARE crooks, many of them. But you’re using that reason because you’re faddish.
How very true… The US is about to elect (or re-elect) one. The current one just signed a law authorizing the military to arrest US citizens without due process. Also signed another law saying he can take sweeping ‘emergency’ powers during peace or war time. But his approval ratings are high enough I guess. America wants a king, and it has one.
Ah, yes, the Clinton vaporware “surplus”. if the media would let the Republicans do creative accounting like that, they’d have won the election. The Clinton downturn began on Clinton’s watch, when he turned the dot-com boom into a bust by threatened and real regulation of what could have been a free-market net economy.
hsawlrae almost 13 years ago
The ones in there right now are about a competitive equal.
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
This strip has been co-written by Garry Trudeau.
revisages almost 13 years ago
oh yes, that despot just hits da spot
walruscarver2000 almost 13 years ago
Obviously not talking about our 8% congress.
BigChiefDesoto almost 13 years ago
Yes, a single King can’t possibly blow money as fast as Congress can!!
DavidGBA almost 13 years ago
Tyrants work harder for the money?
GalleyOar almost 13 years ago
What do members of congress do with all those barrels of pork they buy?
PShaw0423 almost 13 years ago
I imagine there have been benevolent, hard-working tyrants — as always, of course, they would be outnumbered by the self-seeking jerks.
joe vignone almost 13 years ago
Tyrants don’t need the high profile of elected office, they just pay off the corrupt whores in congress to do their bidding.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
tuslog64 almost 13 years ago
If our founding fathers thought taxation without representation was bad, they should see it with representation!
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
Lemme see if I’ve got this right: Congress spends money, and you think it’s GONE? burned, like wood, or gasoline? Congress CIRCULATES money, and you DO get some.
Yes, they ARE crooks, many of them. But you’re using that reason because you’re faddish.
Tsali-Queyi almost 13 years ago
Are you sure our tyrants have a higher approval rating??
Phosphoros almost 13 years ago
How very true… The US is about to elect (or re-elect) one. The current one just signed a law authorizing the military to arrest US citizens without due process. Also signed another law saying he can take sweeping ‘emergency’ powers during peace or war time. But his approval ratings are high enough I guess. America wants a king, and it has one.
Pygar almost 13 years ago
Ah, yes, the Clinton vaporware “surplus”. if the media would let the Republicans do creative accounting like that, they’d have won the election. The Clinton downturn began on Clinton’s watch, when he turned the dot-com boom into a bust by threatened and real regulation of what could have been a free-market net economy.