FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for September 13, 2012
Jason: The answer to question 34 is pie R squared. Paige: Hee hee. Thanks. Jason: The answer to question 35 is "isosceles." Paige: Hee hee. Thanks. Jason: The answer to question 36 is lim (x+2)/ (x-2) Paige: There is no question 36. Jason: It would have helped to have known that. Paige: Mom, do you have an eraser? Andy: Isn't there one on your pencil?
SoItBegins~ over 12 years ago
I think the joke’s on Jason.
skeeterhawk over 12 years ago
Lucky for him, she didn’t shove it in point first.
Doctor11 over 12 years ago
It’s still amazing that Jason isn’t dead yet from all the times that Paige has pounded him into the ground.
Poollady over 12 years ago
the answer to question 37 is TRUE!
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 12 years ago
Nothing like a pencil up the nostril to help with fall allergies (ragweed pollen is terrible in Oregon this time of year).
NE1956 over 12 years ago
In my house, pie are round. That would immediately tipped me off about Jason’s “help”. Paige Paige Paige, what are we gonna do about you?
Tyrnn over 12 years ago
I think the answer to question 36 is ‘1’, if my calculus is correct. >.>;
GAT17 over 12 years ago
Paige shouldn’t have been trying to cheat in the first place. She would have deserved her failing grade.