"Believe me...The thrill of having thumbs is not all it's cut out to be."
I don’t get it.
Me, neither. Maybe I’m getting old. But, then again, if I’m too old to get the punchline of comics, what would be the point of going on?
Kid’s texting. So much for having no way to enlarge. They must not edit before sending these comics. Us old folks need BIGGER pictures!
August 30, 2014
naturally_easy almost 13 years ago
I don’t get it.
naturally_easy almost 13 years ago
Me, neither. Maybe I’m getting old. But, then again, if I’m too old to get the punchline of comics, what would be the point of going on?
Nuri the Turk Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Kid’s texting. So much for having no way to enlarge. They must not edit before sending these comics. Us old folks need BIGGER pictures!