Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for May 10, 2012

  1. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  almost 13 years ago

    Oh PLEASE bring back the Brit cousin.

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  2. Llama
    Happy_Sinner  almost 13 years ago

    They could work it out with a pencil. :o)

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  3. Avatar tmp 56884 thumb
    orinoco womble  almost 13 years ago

    Looks like Bucky found an old book of Hints for Heloise.There was an old magazine called Pack o’ Fun that had “craft ideas” using egg cartons, toilet rolls, etc. I’m sure that there was a toilet roll pencil holder to go with the egg carton wastebasket we made in 4th grade.

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  4. Tiny avatarbucky
    rolleg  almost 13 years ago

    Toilet roll pencil holder sounds like something I made some eons ago. Never had the idea of selling them, though.

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  5. Missing large
    tigre1  almost 13 years ago

    Pencil holder? No $&!!

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    Varnes  almost 13 years ago

    Awe, see? Pinky loves his cute little kitty…..

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  7. taz 496
    lecrenb  almost 13 years ago

    My kids made me a tp pencil holder years ago… came in very handy for all those cognitive moments on the throne.

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    shotsy5  almost 13 years ago

    LOL. Bucky NEVER stops trying; he is driven to Invent!!

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    msorganicfarm  almost 13 years ago


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  10. Eye iris
    DrBonehead  almost 13 years ago

    But how would you arrange the paper direction on the roll? Down the front or down the back?

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  11. Brent and tv
    bmckee  almost 13 years ago

    Toilet Roll pencil holders apparently come in a variety of forms. When I was a kid we glued popsicle sticks (when craft sticks which were popsicle sticks that never saw a popsicle) around the toilet paper roll then spray painted the thing silver, copper or gold. If you wanted to be really fancy you built a fence off one side of the finished holder, one popsicle stick long.

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