Ballard Street by Jerry Van Amerongen for May 15, 2012

  1. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  almost 13 years ago

    Specialists know nearly everything about almost nothing while generalists know almost nothing about nearly everything.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 13 years ago

    Name a few, Jer.

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    Varnes  almost 13 years ago

    Looks like she was laying on powdered donuts…cool…

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  4. Cat29
    x_Tech  almost 13 years ago

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  5. Knees phuh
    phuhknees  almost 13 years ago

    The mysterious and erstwhile Essex makes a rare appearance on Ballard St. disguised as a two-toned lady of interest: Jerry approves.

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  6. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Genial generalist Jerry, generally gentle… but genuinely enjoys a joke.A jewel and a gem, in his own imagination.

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Monkey … I didn’t read about your crime spree till a little while ago, when I finally got to see yesterday’s AS.I think the statute of limitations must have run out by now on such youthful indiscretions.Little monkeys are required to perform a certain amount of monkey business, aren’t they?However, if you feel that discipline is lacking in your life…a summer session at Susan’s School for Wayward Monkeys will put a snap in your step.

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Ah, x_Tech…. fond memories….I think you were only a d_Tech in those days…We’ve put in a few modern amenities since then…running water, mostly indoor plumbing….but the steel cag… bunk beds are probably just like you remember…and some of the staff have even learned to read, with a little help from the Apps for Apes fund drive.You really should come to one of the reunions.Bananas for everybody!

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  9. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    There’s a colonel of truth to Jeffrey’s claim.I wanted to link to “Blue Hair’s Drivin’ In My Lane” in honor of his rapt audience, but could find only one crappy cover of it so I didn’t bother,

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  10. Tigresstree  copy enh1
    Tigressy  almost 3 years ago

    Is that the mailman’s name?

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  11. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.

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  12. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  almost 3 years ago

    Jeffrey has a wide view of everything.

    Now he’s gonna have to go home and clean out his shorts.

    Good Sunday morning Cleophanatics!

    Peace Officers Memorial Day

    Y’all grab a spoonful of peanut butter and jam it into a pile of chocolate chips. Hoo boy howdy! (((((HuGz!)))))

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