Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for May 17, 2012

  1. 170
    finale  almost 13 years ago

    I went to school for fish puns.

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  2. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  almost 13 years ago

    Did I miss something? Why is she taking this jerk into her home?

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Don’t most people pronounce “betta” as “bay-ta”? This is the first time I’ve heard it pronounced in a way that makes the pun work, which isn’t exactly the hallmark of a great pun.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    (Wait, he’s got it both ways — one pronunciation for the pun in Panel 2, the other pronunciation for the pun in Panel 3. Geez. Unless he also pronounces “beta” as if it sounded like “better” with a Boston accent.)

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  5. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  almost 13 years ago

    I’ll slip you a fin if you’ll stop.

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  6. Missing large
    rotts  almost 13 years ago

    “Beta”, not “betta”.

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  7. Tt2
    TheSpanishInquisition  almost 13 years ago

    Why do the always change the color of Duane’s tie mid-strip??? It’s driving me crazy…

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  8. N211317039976 6359
    trekkermint  almost 13 years ago

    if you have what’s considered to be a split tank, with an acrylic divider, you can have two bettas with one in each division, to get them to show off morefemales can be kept, up to several in a tanki’ve also been able to keep females in mixed species tanks just fine, as long as they have some floating plants to hide inmale bettas seem to get overly stressed and die quickly in the same community tanks

    Eldo – good going on the Aquarist work – i’ve just kept fish for years – down to 3 goldfish

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  9. Gato landru  fondo rojo
    wordsmeet  over 3 years ago

    Those of us who work in the software industry get a chuckle out of this one.

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