Li'l Abner by Al Capp for October 16, 2012

  1. 78451 58280 hawkman super
    riverhawk  over 12 years ago

    Repeat repeat

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  2. Pigasus
    ptvroman  over 12 years ago

    What did you expect? This strip stopped publication in 1977.

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    tuslog64  over 12 years ago

    Did your local paper used to carry this strip?If so, the paper is probably on microfilm at the local library.General Bullmoose buying Slobovia – for the ice.Yokums conned into going to Boston to pick oranges-in February!A search of the universe to find a girl he has pieces of a photo of her knees.The Atomic Bum episode.Fearless Fosdick – many adventures not in this arc.Honest Abe getting caught in a drain pipeLoads of Sadie Hawkins Day episodes.Tycoon having the mountain moved – because it cast a shadow on his breakfast.The (Scraggs?) that burned down orphanages so they’d have light to read their comic books. (They could read?)And many more.

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    tuslog64  over 12 years ago

    Any chance about 50 of us could pool resources, each take a year of microfilms at the library, and pool our work?Just a thought.

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