Li'l Abner by Al Capp for January 21, 2013

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    alleyoops Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Another government mess up.

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    dsrickel  about 12 years ago

    I suspect Gilligan’s Island invented radioactive vitamins independently.

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    bopard  about 12 years ago

    Sorry, 1966 Pass the Vegatbles Please Gilligan after this strip ran. And Stanley Beamish aka Mr. Terrific (took the super vitamin pill, that sent him soaring thru the skies fighting foes and fighting spies) 1966..

    I’m trying to figure out which politico Cap is lampooning. Short, bald, pointy nose and ears, heavy brows, slightly downturned moustache.

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    tuslog64  about 12 years ago

    And the giant grass hoppers and ants in A.Plus the giant rabbits!

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