A long time ago, in a place far, far away, the consumer gods doth invent this thing called an “inflatable pool”. There is no anachronism here, because the consumer gods still make and sell this kind of pool. I think Rover’s claws did the dirty work! Dive, dive! Aooga! lol
comicgos over 12 years ago
Wow – with real torpedo’s!
KA7DRE Premium Member over 12 years ago
“Fire One, Fire Two….. Down Periscope” “Dive,Dive,Dive” !!
el8 over 12 years ago
was that really a periscope?
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
I think you’re sunk, Red.
LeoAutodidact over 12 years ago
Minor quibble but just WHEN were those types of Pools developed?
Do we have an anachronism here?
gmforde over 12 years ago
A long time ago, in a place far, far away, the consumer gods doth invent this thing called an “inflatable pool”. There is no anachronism here, because the consumer gods still make and sell this kind of pool. I think Rover’s claws did the dirty work! Dive, dive! Aooga! lol
Catfeet Premium Member over 12 years ago
All “Captain Nemo” Red needs is the giant squid…any suggestions, Rover?
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
Duct it! lol
boldyuma over 12 years ago
Back in the day..They used to sell Submarines in the
back of comic books for your bathtub…
Put some kind of pill in it and it fizzed and sank and then
came back up…I never got one to come back up…
Maybe I was using Alka Selzter..
boldyuma over 12 years ago
I just remember the sub for your bathtub because
“Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea” was popular on TV
back then..Probably was Arm & Hammer Baking Soda to use
on the sub..Mom wouldn’t have wanted me to use baking
soda because it was a prominent fixture on the bottom shelf
of our fridge..
donsflstfi about 7 years ago
I love Rover but there sure are a lot of reruns in thus strip…..