Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for June 09, 2012

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    cleokaya  almost 13 years ago

    Become one with the tree.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 13 years ago

    I still have the rocking chair I was stuck in as a young, young kid. I threaded my head thru some piece connected to the seating spot & back rest. Mom called a family friend to liberate me by utilising a circular saw. (After liberating Poncho, Chazz should cut down the tree.)

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  3. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  almost 13 years ago

    Too see something like this in real life would pain me terrible. Just seeing ole Poncho in this predicament, kind of makes me want to help Chaz get him out…and fast.

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    daphilli  almost 13 years ago

    Poncho’s lucky the cats didn’t notice first. He’s quite exposed.

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    flagfly  almost 13 years ago

    Don’t cut down the tree, just widen that hole a little. His body is too big to get in.

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    littleannoyingdog  almost 13 years ago

    one word to get him out Crisco!!!

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    LingeeWhiz  almost 13 years ago

    Have Poncho give you some promises before you get him out Chazz.

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    Bob.  almost 13 years ago

    He can fill the hole.

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    Tsukuyomi  almost 13 years ago

    Crowbar for both Poncho and Eno today.

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  10. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  almost 13 years ago

    Stick Carmen’s orange shirt in the hole once PPP is freed.

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