So does clown soap put makeup on??.GOODFRIDAYMORNINGTRIBEANDALL!.Another fine menu Alain, but it’s just a beer vat full of DTWFNC for me, please..Goin’ ATV-ing this weekend in WI. Guess who ends up cooking?.Ya’ll have a great weekend..PLAYNICE – STAYSAFE.(((((((((((((((((((((TRIBE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))).toontour.Pooph
Good rainy morning for a change here in KS, finally. rain until Sunday we are in need here.My two subjects one starts on Monday the other on Thursday. Hepls ou alot. I have one quiz ready to turn in. A quiz on each chapter. I also google make sure answers are correct. Use powerpoint to aid with the chapter with quiz. Typing here not the best.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Just what we need now: Clown soaps.
Good Morning, Tribe.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
I think I’ll just take the contents of vending machine #2, Alain. At least for the moment, that is.
Knightman Premium Member over 12 years ago
Good Morning TRIBE! i am hoping everyone is having a great Friday. Clown Soap Operas? EWWEEEEE!
bmonk over 12 years ago
Clown soaps are a truly scary thought. Soaps are not for the faint of heart at the best of times!
As the Pie Flies
One Ring to Buzz
General Mayhem
The Bold and the Bizarre
Three Rings
Santa Barnum
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
So does clown soap put makeup on??.GOODFRIDAYMORNINGTRIBEANDALL!.Another fine menu Alain, but it’s just a beer vat full of DTWFNC for me, please..Goin’ ATV-ing this weekend in WI. Guess who ends up cooking?.Ya’ll have a great weekend..PLAYNICE – STAYSAFE.(((((((((((((((((((((TRIBE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))).toontour.Pooph
kab2rb over 12 years ago
Good rainy morning for a change here in KS, finally. rain until Sunday we are in need here.My two subjects one starts on Monday the other on Thursday. Hepls ou alot. I have one quiz ready to turn in. A quiz on each chapter. I also google make sure answers are correct. Use powerpoint to aid with the chapter with quiz. Typing here not the best.
gosfreikempe over 12 years ago
Another soap opera: As The Washer Spins.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
How about The Clown Days Of Our Lives? General Clown Hospital? The Secret Clown?
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 12 years ago
If you wash with clown soap does it make you dirtier?