I remember when I’d enter one of those big department stores, and you had to run the gamut of the make up counters…………and each had their own sales person ready to spritz you with their fragrance…………..same reaction as Wink is having. Good grief!!!!
He could also have called it “Eau de Rotting Gunk”
Rob Harrell
December 11, 2015
Knightman Premium Member over 9 years ago
MontanaLady over 9 years ago
I remember when I’d enter one of those big department stores, and you had to run the gamut of the make up counters…………and each had their own sales person ready to spritz you with their fragrance…………..same reaction as Wink is having. Good grief!!!!
bmonk over 9 years ago
He could also have called it “Eau de Rotting Gunk”