Are there any good jokes about rebellion? I know one... But no power on earth can make me tell it! I take that as a"NO" then.
“He’s a rebel and he’ll never be any good…”
Horace is in a very high place…. as the clouds are even with him at this point… and Sine seems a bit light headed… ! ! !
Good one Horace. Well I got it anyway.
Hard to tell if he’s on his high horse or he is one.
Q: Why did the revolutionary cross the road?A: Because someone told him not to.
July 31, 2015
zero almost 13 years ago
“He’s a rebel and he’ll never be any good…”
InTraining Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Horace is in a very high place…. as the clouds are even with him at this point… and Sine seems a bit light headed… ! ! !
Jkiss almost 13 years ago
Good one Horace. Well I got it anyway.
Sherlock Watson almost 13 years ago
Hard to tell if he’s on his high horse or he is one.
unidyne almost 13 years ago
Q: Why did the revolutionary cross the road?A: Because someone told him not to.