Then he ate a clown, it tasted funny.
Actually drawn well before the Florida incident.Bad timing is everything, isn’t it?
@Brett KothI love, love, love Diamond Lil. Some of your strips have made me laugh so hard I snorted coffee up my nose!Keep doing the great work.
How does a zombie get ‘checked out’, I wonder?
May 24, 2014
margueritem almost 13 years ago
Then he ate a clown, it tasted funny.
bkoth almost 13 years ago
Actually drawn well before the Florida incident.Bad timing is everything, isn’t it?
Happy Cat Premium Member almost 13 years ago
@Brett KothI love, love, love Diamond Lil. Some of your strips have made me laugh so hard I snorted coffee up my nose!Keep doing the great work.
ILikeMeSomeComics almost 13 years ago
How does a zombie get ‘checked out’, I wonder?