The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for July 06, 2012

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  over 12 years ago

    They “chose” to live here??Who would take em??

    Good Morning CrustiesHope everyone had a nice 4th.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  over 12 years ago

    I’m glad that there was plenty of brain bleach on hand yesterday.

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  3. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 12 years ago

    Is Joy saying that we should third world children dog food?

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  4. Oat   character picture
    Hussell  over 12 years ago

    This reminds me of an incident back in 1980. Sadly, this is a true story.

    I visited a church and went to their adult Sunday class. They were talking about collecting money for the people of Ethiopia.

    A guy in the group said, he didn’t see any reason to collect for them. “Why don’t they just move somewhere else?” For about 15 minutes several of us tried to explain to him why they can’t just up and move, because they have no place to go. They can’t just get on a plane or ship and go somewhere and there was no where they could drive or walk to.

    He never did get it and everyone just gave up. I might have laughed if it was some kid, even a teenager, but this was a guy in his late 30’s-ealy 40’s. I just thought the was sad and/or pathetic. Oh well guess that was another Penny’s moment for me!

    Good Morning Crustwood!

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  5. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  over 12 years ago

    Concern for starving children didn’t keep them from loading that poor basket to the breaking point with ice cream. But to be fair, they probably chose the flavours that the starving children wouldn’t like. Sure.And Leaky, wasn’t Burl the smart one? He chose to be born just here when he could have chosen to be born somewhere else. Too bad. Ummm, let’s see, Where was the best place for Burl to have been born? A white male in post-war USA? Got it.Dave, sadly there are a whole lot of people who are wilfully ignorant like that man.

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  6. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Good Morning, Crustwoodidians!

. Burl very carefully chose a white, English-speaking, US born couple to be his parents

    Why couldn’t all those poor brown people around the globe who clamor for food and shelter have done the same?

    Or why don’t they move someplace with better land, milder weather, nicer houses, better schools
.only not here, of course.This country is all ours, all for those of us smart enough to have chosen to be born here.We’ve got dibs!

    It’s so stupid
.And so ungrateful.

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  7. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Speaking of gratitude
Which is something I think everyone should practice in every way possible

    I am grateful when people offer to feed me
. but Marg
 try as I might to put a positive spin on it
.I don’t think I would enjoy a piece of pulled pork and lemon butter cake, even with berries on it.

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  8. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And X 
. are you saying children have been outsourced now?Wow, I wish that had been available back when I was trying unsuccessfully to make one.

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  9. Purrfectgivts avatar001
    Laura Gildwarg  over 12 years ago

    Is it safe to come out now? Or will I get flamed for having patriotically celebrated Independence Day? I was afraid to say anything yesterday (yes I’m a bit of an online coward, I don’t really care for confrontation), but I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. We had a lovely holiday spent with friends and family, enjoying each other’s company and being grateful for our freedom and for those who serve to preserve it. Much of our family is/was military, and we are a retired Navy family, so we have a great deal for which to be thankful.

    The Pennys, however, seem to either take such things for granted, or interpret their good fortune in a totally skewed fashion.

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  10. Img 0562
    loveslife  over 12 years ago

    I " chose" to be born in Africa but thought USA was a better country. Thank God for our freedoms we have left. I love it here been here since I was 4 and loving it.Despite the political things going on. This is the only comic I read the comments on because you guys are FAMILY it seems no matter what your residence is. The Pennies are kinda one fry short of a happy meal but I know (sadly) people like them. Have a great day and enjoy your weekend.

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  11. Img 0562
    loveslife  over 12 years ago

    PS I love lemon cake with fresh berries on it

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  12. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 12 years ago

    Scooby Snacks are loved by everyone.

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  13. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 12 years ago

    JOY wearing her Green Blouse with Orange Flowers
. now two days in a row
. Not a good idea in his 100+ degee heat here in Crustwood
. ! ! !

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  14. Missing large
    viclee1955  over 12 years ago

    Sometimes the things the Pennys say just leave me sputtering in outrageous shock. That’s probably why I enjoy the strip so much. Happy 4th.

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  15. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Todays Dinettte Set kinda nods to the problem no one wants to talk about
.The over population of earth
. it is the only real problem
. Causing all others
. Lets not talk about it

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  16. 170
    finale  over 12 years ago

    Maybe they’re refering to the fact that they chose where they would live when the others on the “Mothership” booted them off!

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  17. My eye
    vldazzle  over 12 years ago

    Marge – pulled pork with cake- really? I have to agree with Susan’s statement on gratitude. I have determined to have only positive things to say about my BF’s plans for Wisc Dells and Medieval Times (since my SCA membership told him I would like anything medieval)-not that it is just the worst aspects of those times. I expext the Dells to be cooler weather than Chicago ‘burbs, so that is good. And maybe we CAN go to a nice restaurant instead of MT. Some of my old favs are long gone, but I believe Italian Village is still there and the Florentine room has a great veal saltimbocca (YUM!)Purple – I normally would have loved to see fireworks (but prefer any way other than close-up) but needed groceries only once before my upcoming trip (and Wednesday is double bargains –specials from both week’s flyers, posted on W) and working to to finish all machine sewing on my white silk dress for the wedding- I’ll have weekdays at BFs house to finish all the hand hemming, facings and crystals around the neck.Finale & Mike – I agree, the 2 items at a meal are not that bad (although not my choice). My supper yesterday was 99gm piece of filet with some homemade Bearnaise and a few big sautĂ©ed mushrooms. My “desserts” are my main breakfast-a selection of fresh fruit that I chop up and smash over some plain Greek yogurt with either cinnamon toast or my breakfast bars (just made a batch this evening).

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  18. My eye
    vldazzle  over 12 years ago

    I also thought of commenting on the 4 containers of high fat icecream in their cart and Gym Shoe is right about over population being a problem- we have the sme problem with cats here and people are to lazy? to use spay and neuter services even if free, but humans have their own responsibility not to raise more children than they can provide for. That was a major contention w my X – and although he finally gave his “PERMISSION” for my TL, he came the day after to hospital to tell me I was “no longer a woman” etc. We had a total income below today’s poverty level at the time and he would not allow HIS wife to work outside the home. I just waited until the kids were all in school to divorce him, so I could work full time.

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