Fred Basset by Alex Graham for June 26, 2012

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    dugharry  over 12 years ago

    He’s lost me!

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    revisages  over 12 years ago

    we’ll just go with the chimney sweep we originally called for

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    upanddown17  over 12 years ago

    To summerize: it’s broken.

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    tedunn5453  over 12 years ago

    Just trying to get as much money as he can, and still not fix it right…

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    teddyr  over 12 years ago

    Had a company like that around here in the late ’40’s. Would give a “free” check, tear the funace apart, and then say that the heat exchanger was cracked and that they couldn’t put it back together in that “dangerous” condition unless they had a new exchanger put in for LOTS of money. Tried that with my former wife’s grandparents once. Grandpa said, “I know darn well there’s nothing wrong!”, and got his SHOTGUN and sat on the top step of the basement stairs while the guy put the funace back together! Funny, they quit doing that to folks after that incident.

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    K M  over 12 years ago

    Reminds me of a MAD magazine bit on excuses, specifically, auto mechanics then (1930s) and now (1970s). Then: “Your thelman wire was corroded, so we had to replace it. That’ll be ten cents.” Now: “Your thelman wire was corroded, so we had to replace your engine. That’ll be $600.”

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