Broom Hilda by Russell Myers for June 17, 2012

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 12 years ago

    Broomie is a brat. Good morning, LB.

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  2. Carroll   an f40
    adubman  over 12 years ago

    Thankfully for the maitre d , Broomie passed on ala mode!

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    Llewellenbruce  over 12 years ago

    Now she’s got to pay for the whole pie.

    MARG! Are you taking your better half out toeat for Father’s Day?

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Throwing a pie in the eye will keep you young & spry.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @William Pursell@James Borek@Citizen GROG!

    Amen, guys.Would like to recommend to you " The Three Stooges pie fight" (1941) on you tube.Have saved it to the “favorites” on my computer and whenever boredom strikes , this vintage pie altercation instantly removes it.Provides vicarious relief for pent-up anger and tendencies toward aggression.What’s more, you’ll particularly enjoy the you tube video as these pies are the real thing-no cheap shaving cream substitutes here.Have often wondered what the bakery bill came to for all the pies that became airborne in this video.Thanks, Broomie for getting the day started on the right foot.Will take a brief break to go to you tube now before returning to the Sunday comics.3 minutes and 32 seconds of non-stop pies.(There’s also a large cake with Moe on the receiving end to kick things off.)A great start to a boring Sunday.

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  6. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    Ah, mischievous little Broomie, still a child at heart aged 1500+!

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  7. Usa
    Mary Rose Francini Premium Member over 12 years ago

    pie throwing remind me that i watched the three stooges movies in 1960s

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @Susan NewmanThanks, Sue. Love ya.

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